Monday, November 30, 2009

Day Eighty-seven

Day started out promising, sunny with windy chinook conditions. Then the wind stopped, temperature plummeted, snowed. Seems appropriate.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Day Eighty-six

11.31 km
Chinook winds today. Walked into town to the Penny for a cinnamon bun and coffee. Took a roundabout route and stopped in at the bookstore for a certain David Sedaris book so I could read the entire essay "Twelve Moments in the Life of the Artist" while at the cafe. Stopped in for a few groceries on the way home. blown about by the wind the entire time.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Day Eighty-five

10.71 km
Spent the day working at home, went out briefly on a computer repair and grant application advisory mission. In the evening walked downtown to gallery openings at the SAAG and Trianon. Excellent shows, and stimulating company. Walked home. Seasonal lights are definitely out and it's not even December yet.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Day Eighty-four

9.39 km
Snowed today. Snow makes me a bit lazy. Stayed in after work and watched a movie.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Day eighty-three

11.56 km
Beautiful morning - dramatic light for a brief moment. Evening was spent walking through seasonal light displays. It must almost be December.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Day Eighty-two

9.88 km
Downtown pre-dusk, an unusual circumstance. A nice cup of tea at Bonnie's and a stroll past Alberta Meat.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Day Eighty-one

11.65 km
Wind today, lots of things in the air until they hit something that stops the movement. Cold, crisp, sunny. It's Tuesday so most of the day was spent inside.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Day Eighty

9.19 km.  122.17 km last 10 days. 357.23 total on return trip. I'm on highway 23 just past High River.
Seemed like a rushing around kind of day although I spent most of the day working at home. Late evening walk around the block, nice night but crisp wind, as usual.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Day Seventy-nine

10.86 km
Coldish day today although I didn't go out till after 5pm. Spent most of the day working at home. Went for a walk down to A&D&M's house in the evening and spotted the Potato Eaters in a window while passing by.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Day Seventy-eight

18.22 km
Walking in Calgary and Lethbridge today. Long wander in Calgary looking at art and design, less of a walk in Lethbridge to watch an Almodovar film. Sunny but crisp in both cities.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Day Seventy-seven

14.90 km
Walking in Calgary again. Going to art openings and strolling 17th. Ave. S.W. on a Friday night - disturbing.
Art meets life, today I'm walking in Calgary virtually as well as physically.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Day Seventy-six

16.07 km
Walking at night. Places that are closed in the day are open. Places that are open in the day are closed. Sundown at 4:30 - more night than day these days.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Day Seventy-five

10.48 km
Spent the day inside looking out again. Took the long walk from my office to the parking lot after work and then wandered around the grocery store.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Day Seventy-four

10.80 km
Another Tuesday indoors even though it was a lovely day. Walked from the car to C's house and admired her new chop saw. Otherwise many kilometres  of hallways.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Day Seventy-three

11.27 km
Multiple walks today. It was a beautiful day though. Walked in the coulee and walked around the mall (the outside of the mall) on my way for a cup of tea and a peruse of the New Yorker cartoon issue.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Day Seventy-two

10.64 km
Back in Lethbridge, spending the day in front of the computer getting caught up on projects. Drifted around the neighborhood later on. Chinook winds, enough to knock a person over if not paying attention. Although it's warming things up it cuts to the bone and seems chill.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Day Seventy-one

9.74 km
Walking in Calgary and Lethbridge. More driving than walking. Snow in the morning, sun in the afternoon.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Day Seventy

10.22 km today. 122.09km last fortnight. 235.23 km on return trip - I'm at Crossfield.
Bit of wandering in downtown Lethbridge tonight, art gallery, restaurant and aimless loitering.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Day Sixty-nine

10.65 km
Went for another evening walk - a brisk one around all the pathways in the local park. Much cooler today, frost in the air.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Day Sixty-eight

12.15 km
A long walk today - it was like Sunday in the middle of the week. Very quiet except at the Coffee Shops. I had a very nice spicy grilled cheese sandwich.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Day Sixty-seven

10.65 km
Another Tuesday walking in hallways. Went for a stroll before turning in. Mild evening although the mild weather isn't supposed to last.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Day Sixty-six

11.35 km
A walk in the park in Lethbridge. American Coots, hordes of Canada Geese, Gulls, Mallards, Nuthatches, Muskrats. Walked around Harrison Lake after digging the back potato bed. Left the potatoes too late though, mostly spoiled.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Day Sixty-five

10.02 km
Edmonton, Calgary and back to Lethbridge. Found a short bike path in downtown Edmonton. Walking around airports. Air Canada lost my luggage. Wandering around the house.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Day Sixty-four

15.16 km
Another late night. Seemed that I walked far more than the recording instruments show. Who knows.
Walked town and country today.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Day Sixty-three

16.26 km
I wasn't really walking on water today, although I sometimes do. Bad map references. Crossed the river and walked along the river valley. Scene dominated by chickadees and both red-breasted and white-breasted nuthatches.